22 meter fountain made by Dekton®

 From granite to Dekton®

The waterfall would initially be made of granite, but the limitations of the traditional design quickly became apparent – the weight was too heavy, the joints did not fit and the maintenance was great. Dekton®, in Kelya color, provided the perfect alternative.

“One of the best things about Dekton® is the size of the tables, which means less joints,” says Dirk Slotboom, Managing Director of Water forms International. “Also easy, for maintenance, great water resistance and the structure we wanted. It really is a superior product and we will surely use it again in other projects that require a lightweight, easy maintenance material. “

Cataloged as a Neutral Carbon product, Dekton® is manufactured in a sustainable manner and its technical features make it perfect for projects that require energy efficiency and do not want to give up aesthetics.

Frymëzuar nga peisazhet  tropikale të Indonezisë, ujëvara e ndodhet në fasadën e ndërtesës ku është vendosur mes një kopshti vertikal me mbi 5,000 bimë tropikale. Instalimi është krijuar për t’u dhënë banorëve të qytetit mundësinë që të lidhen me natyrën në jetën e tyre të përditshme në mënyrë që të rrisin mirëqenien e tyre.
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